(Book 2!)
The All-Star pitcher stares at home plate. His long-time nemesis stares back, crowding the plate with his size.
The pitcher winds up and puts everything he has into a pitch aimed directly at the batter’s left ear hole.
But, sadly, my pitch lands about five feet in front of Steve.
My 10-year-old arm just doesn’t have enough oomph to make the 60-feet-6 inch journey from the pitcher’s rubber to home plate at Norman High’s baseball diamond.
So I walk closer. I glare at Steve, chew my gum hard and spit out a stream of juice and invective. He glares back, puffs out his chest and double-dog-dares me to put one over the plate.
I do just that, and his line drive nearly decapitates me...
Oklahomahumor #simplertimes #growingup #normanstories #normanhigh #nhsbaseball #freesnowcones #chasingfoulballs #littleleaguebaseball #playingwithyourbestfriend