(From 'MEMORIES 3')
Getting up to “no good” used to be a whole lot of fun, and it didn’t hurt anyone. Making prank telephone calls was the easiest, cheapest, and “funnest” mischief you could get up to, at least from inside your own house. You just needed an extension phone and parents who were playing Wahoo at the other end of the house. I met these qualifications, so my bedroom became Prank Central when some of the guys would spend the night.
There were also three other requirements. You had to have a believable DJ voice. You had to be from a real radio station and have a contest that any fool could win. And you had to deliver your spiel in one breath. Even with all three, most people would hang up on you after about three seconds. Occasionally, you’d get an angry Dad who thought you were after his daughter, and he’d threaten to rip your beating heart right out of your chest. You just had to shake these things off and stay focused. Because you knew from experience that within a dozen calls, you were going to hit pay dirt: a truly nice person whose Gullibility Quotient (GQ) was off the charts...
#humor #oklahoma humor #knorradio ##prankcalls #sleepovers #boymischief #pretendradio