(First Memories Book)
We had a mimosa tree in our front yard on Nebraska Street, and half a dozen in the back. Every summer, the locusts would sing their heads off as they tried to suck them dry.
My next door neighbour, Eddie, and collected the old locust husks from the mimosa trees and fed them to Lady Dog, my beagle. She thought they were better’n pork rinds.
We’d catch live locusts mainly at dusk. You had to be sneaky because they had those giant eyeballs.
I liked to grab their wings between my thumb and finger. Eddie would grab them with his whole hand, which I thought was insane.
I fully expected a locust to kill him dead one day, jamming its sucker spike right into a major artery and snorking out all his blood. It never happened, but I bet it could’ve...
Oklahomahumor #simplertimes #growingup #normanstories #playingwithlocusts #beaglestories #locustsuckerspike #killyoudead