‘Square’ Hands

(First "Memories" Book) I’d been overseas a long spell, working in journalism and public relations, when the Y2K computer bug threatened to collapse the world’s economy.   It made me think about my heritage of blacksmiths and firemen, of cowboys and Indians ─ people who worked with their bare hands. In the photo, that’s my strapping great-grandfather, Charles L. Moore, and his son, my grandpa, George […]

Surviving Two-a-Days Was an Absolute Miracle

(First Memories Book) Other than war, there is nothing more traumatic, more hellish for a young man, than Two-A-Day football practices. Especially in Oklahoma's brutal August heat, like when I played at Norman High School from 1971-1973. Back then, as a tiny Tiger, my two-a-day breakfast consisted of a big glass of Gatorade, a piece of dry toast, […]


(First Memories Book) As a public service to my fellow Okie Boomers, I offer this useful list of Okie-isms, mainly contributed by my Mom and my Dad's cousin, Sonny. Hootis (n):  \who-tiss\ Pretty much anything. My Dad, the shade tree mechanic, and Sonny often had this conversation while Dad was halfway under the car and […]

The Awesomeness of Locusts and Horny Toads

(First Memories Book) We had a mimosa tree in our front yard on Nebraska Street, and half a dozen in the back. Every summer, the locusts would sing their heads off as they tried to suck them dry. My next door neighbour, Eddie, and collected the old locust husks from the mimosa trees and fed […]

Lincoln Park Zoo Rocked!

(First Memories Book) I was probably eight or nine years old when we made our first "expedition" all the way from Norman to Lincoln Park Zoo in Oklahoma City. If memory serves, it was a 9,000 mile journey that took about three months.I was either with Steve, or my cousins, or all of them, and […]

BB Guns & Boys: Always a Bad Idea

(First Memories Book) Somewhere along the way, my Dad found an old, lever-action Daisy BB gun.  It didn't have much power. Even so, I'm sure Dad had trepidation about giving it to me. But it was free, and free was good back in the day.  So, after I promised to never shoot at birds or dogs […]

Real Cowboyin’ in Tucson!

(First Memories Book) I died and went to heaven when the Ryans, our long-time family friends, bought a working farm in Tucson. Even though vacations were only for “rich people”, somehow that summer we had enough money to go see their new Ponderosa. Partner, from dawn to dark thirty every single day, I was doing […]

Okie Moms Always Made it Better

(First Memories Book) Okie moms knew way more than doctors. Bad tummy? Dry toast and flat 7 Up if you were puking. Chicken noodle soup with Saltine crackers if not. Fever? A cool, wet washrag draped over your forehead. An aspirin hidden in a spoonful of grape jelly. And a mug of honey & lemon juice […]

Me and Foreman Scotty

(First Memories Book) If you grew up in Oklahoma in the Sixties, you HAD to watch the Foreman Scotty Show every day after school. It was the law. The half-hour show featured Foreman Scotty, Xavier T. Willard, Cannonball and a whole mess of screaming kids. If you were lucky, one day you got to be […]

Tennessee Walker & Horse Whisperer

(First Memories Book) It's been 60 years or so, but I still remember that ginormous Tennessee Walking Horse. We were at my Aunt Mackie's house on West 24th, back when that was wayyy out of town. I was maybe four or five, and probably about three feet tall. The Tennessee Walker was the biggest thing […]

Amazon Reviews


Just finished reading your book. I was laughing out loud so much my husband asked what was I reading! And I kept thinking, “Bless his mom's heart”! My dad also read it and said he found it delightful. Looking forward to the second book. Thanks for the entertainment!

2 years ago


Fun and great read!!! If you grew up in the 60 and 70 you will be able to relate to many fun stories the author tells!
Bill Moore is a very talented and entertaining author with a great sense of humor! I highly recommend this book!!!

2 years ago
Susan B.
Susan B.

Couldn’t put it down. A total joy to read.

The author was a classmate of mine in high school, and is still a great Facebook friend. I knew this book would be awesome b/c of the way Bill writes his posts on Facebook telling his friends of his life in New Zealand. This book touched my heart in soo many ways. Bills writing is so descriptive, that in your mind you see what he’s writing about or transports you to the place. I couldn’t put it down. Bill, thank you for letting me go back to my days of innocence as a child in Norman, Oklahoma.

2 years ago

Having known the author all our lives I expected nothing less than stellar from him and he does not disappoint. It brought smiles and loud guffaws as I tripped down memory lane with him. It was so much more personal to me as I knew the characters in the book but all will enjoy reminiscing about that magical time in Norman . Give it a read you wont be disappointed!

5 years ago

I think anyone who grew up around the 1960s will enjoy this trip down memory lane!

5 years ago

Bill Moore, Writer

Norman-born Bill Moore spent four decades as a newspaper reporter and P.R. guy, writing at least 900 gazillion words in Texas, Washington, D.C., Singapore and New Zealand.
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