(First Memories Book)
Whoa, big felluh! It took every ounce of strength I had as a three-year-old to control Woody.
He may not look like a massive steed in the photo but, trust me, he was the greatest stickhorse who ever lived.
Fearless, loyal and bulletproof. And he could talk.In fact, our relationship was similar to what Calvin had with Hobbes. Except that Hobbes was into existentialism, and Woody was more into kicking Black Bart's butt…
Pretty much every day of my young life, I had to strap on my Fanner 50 cap pistol, put on my cowboy shirt and red cowboy boots, grab Woody, and then shoot it out with the nefarious Black Bart…
#Oklahomahumor #simplertimes #growingup #normanstories #playingcowboy #capgun #fanner50 #cowboyboots #blackbart #fightingbadguy #woodythehorse #likecalvinandhobbes