(First Memories Book)
If you grew up in Oklahoma in the Sixties, you HAD to watch the Foreman Scotty Show every day after school. It was the law.
The half-hour show featured Foreman Scotty, Xavier T. Willard, Cannonball and a whole mess of screaming kids.
If you were lucky, one day you got to be in the WKY-TV studio audience when the show was broadcast live.
If you were really, really lucky, and it was your birthday, you got to be on the show AND ride Woody.
I was exactly that lucky on my fifth birthday ─ March 15, 1961 (100% authentic invitation above).
It was the greatest day of my life, then the worst, then the greatest again, all because of Foreman Scotty himself…
#Oklahomahumor #simplertimes #growingup #normanstories #bestdayever #mostfunever #circle4ranch #tvcowboy #ridingwoody #littleboybirthday #goingtothecity #wkytv #xaviertwillard #cannonball #foremanscottyshow #dannywilliams